Insert-Tags: Show the values

The counting is continued through the fronted module! Who wants to use to display the insert tags, the module continues to need, but only to count. With the templates mod_visitors_fe_invisible the module may be invisible, if desired.

There are the following insert tags to display the values:


Insert Tag can be extended with prefix ‘cache_'. Thus, these then cache resistant. This means that when a page comes from the Contao cache, then previously are inserted the current values.


To determine the category ID (katid), go into the category overview of the module with your mouse over the “i” or look at right behind the category name.

More Insert Tags

There are Insert Tags for display the values of the day with the most visitors.

     {{visitors::catid::bestday::date}}   - Day (Date) with the most visitors
     {{visitors::catid::bestday::visits}} - Number of visitors of the day with most visitors
     {{visitors::catid::bestday::hits}}   - Number of hits of the day with most visitors



The “date” insert-tag has an optional parameter to format the date output. (m.d.Y , Y-m-d, etc.) The system setting is used as default. As a separator, a “::” are used.

A complete example (with category 1):

    Best Day: {{visitors::1::bestday::date::j. F Y}} with
    {{visitors::1::bestday::visits}} visitors (and {{visitors::1::bestday::hits}}


Best Day: 31. August 2010 with 25 visitors (and 123 hits)