
Contao 5 Star Trek Stardate Handbuch

Latest Stable Version License Build Status

Hier findest du das Handbuch zum Contao 5 Star Trek® Stardate Bundle.

  • Eine Erweiterung, welche die Sternzeit nach 8 unterschiedlichen Arten berechnen kann und anzeigt
  • Es gibt Insert-Tags und eigenes Content-Element

Viel Spaß beim Durchforsten des Handbuches wünscht BugBuster / Contao.Ninja

Dieses Handbuch ist in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:


All documentations of BugBuster1701@GitHub licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). If you want to redistribute a modified or unmodified version of the documentation, you can do so under the license terms. If you contribute to the documentation, e.g. by creating pull requests, you grant us full usage rights of any content you create or upload. You also ensure that your content does not violate any third-party rights. We are not claiming exclusive usage rights, therefore you are free to use your contributed content (e.g. texts or images) in any other project as well.